ENA Active Mineral is an innovative beverage brand that maximizes absorption and is non-toxic with excellent and stable technology.
Type of mineral
What minerals are you eating?
TYPE OF mineral
Is it a mineral that absorbs well?
There's a reason why it's expensive.
ENA active mineral registered in the international journal 4 times!
The world's only natural mineral production JBF
Mineral Standards
Check out the ingredients of the minerals!
Deep ocean water | Germanium water | Electrolytic alkali | Electrolysis ionic water | Hydrogenated water
Plant-based minerals in the deep sea. An active mineral made from the bones of deep sea red algae and cuttlefish.
Inorganic mineral Inactive
It is an inert mineral that is naturally dissolved in soil, water, and air, making it difficult for the human body to accommodate.
Organic mineral Active
It is a mineral derived from plants that have absorbed mineral minerals from the soil. It is an activated ion mineral that is easy for the human body to absorb.